Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm a Burn Out

Looks like I've hit the wall so to speak.

I'm in South Carolina and having NO LUCk with finding the campaign events and finding parking close enough to them to cover them. ALSO, i've been hit with a strong wave of "why am i doing this?" As someone who knows the voting system IS fraudulent... as someone who knows that both parties are representing the corporations regardless of what they say publicly... basicaly, I don't know why I here; so the motivation necessary to overcome the daily hurdles .. just isn't there right now.

I was to attend a Huckabee rally this morning but couldn't get the bus parked anywhere near the resort and if i had there would have been issue with "walking" onto the resort... I don't even have questions for these clowns that will get an answer out of them anyway. Imagine: "Mr. Huckabee. You don't believe in evolution, you want to quarentine AIDS patients and re write the constitution to reflect YOUR gods law... What The Fuck's Wrong With You, Sir?! and How the Hell Could You be a Front Runner with Such Views?!"

i dunno.. it might be fun... but is it worth it?... i dunno.

The cold is probably at fault with my attitude. I'm still sick from New Hampshire. It snowed on me yesterday for the first time.. (South Carolina). I'm ready to be warm .. maybe northern Florida will be better.

I was fairly disappointed with the number of views the New Hampshire videos got ..But it appears someone is trying to fuck with my websites again (which is always a good sign of doing something right). I picked up 1,600 new email subscribers YESTERDAY. it's bullshit.. either a glitch in the rss feed system OR Someone Signed up 1,600 people to recieve emails that they DIDn't Want.

However, if you google New Hampshire Primary Vote Fruad... guess who ya find..

One more item in this string ramblings...
I just found out that the $1,500 donation processed trough Deep Dish Tv at what was suppose to be 3% which turned into 6% and took over a week to put in the bank has .. are ready for this?... IT BOUNCED! ta daaaahhhh! I have 30 dollars 1/4 tank of diesel and 15 gallons of oil.

I think it's time to go to the beach.

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